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Table 1 Independent variables included in the models used

From: Consumer acceptance of an iron bean variety in Northwest Guatemala: the role of information and repeated messaging



Treatment 2 (information once)

= 1 respondent was in treatment 2; 0 otherwise.

Treatment 3 (Information three times)

= 1 respondent was in treatment 3; 0 otherwise.

Variety order

= 1 if iron variety was received first; 0 otherwise.


= 1; respondent is male; 0 otherwise.


Continuous variable indicating the age of the respondent.


Categorical variable indicating respondents’ education level.

Area planted in 2013

The household is a bean producer

Square meters planted in total in the farm in 2013.

Dummy variable indicating that the respondent plants beans every year.

The Progress out of Poverty index (PPI)

Grameen Foundation’s Progress out of Poverty index (PPI) accounts for head of HH’s education, HH assets and income (calculated by the authors with survey data, explained below).

Quantity of bean grain at home

Continuous variable indicating the quantity of bean grain at home at the time of the visit.

Monthly expenses

Average HH monthly expenses.

Number of people met

Continuous variable indicating the number of people met in the community in the last 3 days.

Hear iron food

Dummy variable indicating if the respondent had heard about iron in food.

Food Frequency Index (FFI)

Food Frequency Index, explained below.