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Table 3 Results of the robust Cobb-Douglas stochastic cost frontier estimation

From: Farm level allocative efficiency of rice production in Gulu and Amuru districts, Northern Uganda

Log cost of producing rice

Coefficient (standard error)

Log rice output (kg)

0.291*** (0.048)

Log land rent per acre per year (UShs)

0.224 (0.137)

Log price planting material (UShs)

0.080 (0.090)

Log labour cost per hour (UShs)

0.503*** (0.064)

District (Gulu)

− 0.111 (0.084)

Hired labour use dummy

− 0.176** (0.080)


4.699*** (1.731)



Wald chi2(6)


Prop > chi2


Log likelihood

− 170.099

  1. VIF test had mean VIF of 1.15. All the variables in this model had VIF values of less than 3, which is highly acceptable
  2. **5% level of significance
  3. ***1% level of significance