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Table 1 The application of the MAA in the EIP-AGRI

From: The multi-actor approach in thematic networks for agriculture and forestry innovation

Application of the MAA in the EIP-AGRI



Operational groups (OGs)

Funded by the EIP-AGRI, the formation of OGs should take place on the initiative of actors willing to face together a common problem or need on their work. All partners in the OGs have an active role in carrying out the innovative project. OGs have to draw up a plan that describes their specific project and the expected results. Furthermore, they have to disseminate the results of their project, in particular through the EIP-AGRI network (COM 2020)

Multi actor projects (MAPs)

Horizon 2020 (H2020) funded projects to develop innovative solutions which are ready to be applied in practice and cover real needs

 • Research and innovation actions (RIAs)

Aim: establish new knowledge by exploring the feasibility of a new technology applied on a small scale

 • Innovation actions (IAs)

Aim: producing plans and arrangements for prototyping, testing, demonstrating, large-scale product validation and market replication

 • Coordination and support actions (CSAs)

Aim: achieve measures such as dissemination and communication, awareness-raising, networking, support services, policy dialogues and mutual learning exercises for new infrastructure and complementary activities

Thematic networks (TNs)

Type of CSA project. TNs disclose existing knowledge and best practices in a given agriculture and forestry theme (EIP-AGRI 2016). Their results and outputs are oriented to compile, produce and share innovative ready-for-practice solutions in easily understandable formats for users (e.g. farmers, foresters and advisors). They follow a bottom-up approach, taking into account farmers’ and forester’s experiences and sustaining them with scientific knowledge (Curry and Kirwan 2014; SCAR WG AKIS 2019)

Common goal: the potential to transfer knowledge and innovative solutions at regional and national levels. The innovative solutions can be implemented by actions funded by the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in the Member States (Matthews 2020). The results achieved through the application of the MAA can ultimately lead to changes in the allocation of public resources, policies, and regulations (Gullino and Vivani, 2021)