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Table 8 Extended model of the association between alternative measure of dietary diversity and farm production diversity

From: Leveraging farm production diversity for dietary diversity: evidence from national level panel data

Explanatory variables

Dependent variable: food variety score


Fixed Effect

Farm production diversity measured through PDS

0.011*** (0.0006)

0.018*** (0.001)

Annual income

3.51E−08*** (5.22E−09)

3.89E−08*** (8.97E−09)

Market orientation

0.002*** (8.36E−05))

0.003*** (0.0001)

Market access

− 0.016** (0.001)

− 0.014*** (0.002)

Age of HH

0.001 (0.001)

0.006 (0.004)

Sex of HH

− 0.0013 (0.005)

− 0.05*** (0.009)

Education of HH head

0.016*** (0.0005)

0.02*** (0.002)

HH size

0.045*** (0.001)

0.034 (0.02)

Farm size

− 1.45E−04 (2.11E−04)

− 5.22E−05 (3.62E−05)

Participation in social SSN program

0.035*** (0.003)

0.006 (0.005)

Agricultural asset value

1.95E−07 (4.62E−07)

5.06E−08 (8.79E−08)


3.09*** (0.009)

2.12*** (0.016)

Wald χ2



Number of observations



  1. Authors’ analyses using 3 rounds of BIHS panel data
  2. ***, and ** indicate significance at the 1% and 5%, levels, respectively; figures in the parentheses are standard errors