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Table 9 Falsification test for entomophagy awareness as an instrument for cricket consumption

From: Production, consumption, and market supply of edible crickets: insights from East Africa


Consumption (1/0)

Cricket sales (Kgs)

Entomophagy awareness

0.524 (0.078)

0.323 (0.236)

Age (log)

0.150 (0.115)

0.365 (0.347)

Gender head (1 = Male)

0.098 (0.069)

− 0.049 (0.208)

Formal education

0.010 (0.011)

0.073 (0.034)

Annual income (log)

0.022 (0.023)

0.028 (0.070)

Distance to market (log)

− 0.028 (0.039)

− 0.009 (0.118)

Household size (log)

0.038 (0.067)

− 0.112 (0.203)

Group membership (1 = Yes)

0.089 (0.107)

0.030 (0.323)

Extension services access

− 0.058 (0.071)

0.002 (0.214)


− 0.762 (0.521)

− 1.543 (1.574)

  1. Entomophagy awareness is only associated with the decision to eat crickets (at 1% level) but is not associated with cricket sales; Robust standard errors in parentheses