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Table 1 Opinion statements indicating explicit and implicit perceptions of cultured meat

From: The coexistence of psychological drivers and deterrents of consumers’ willingness to try cultured meat hamburger patties: evidence from South Africa

Indicators of the explicit perceptions of cultured meat

Indicators of the implicit perceptions of cultured meat

Meat quality concerns

Conspiratorial ideation (Trust vs. Distrust in food Science and technology)

I am concerned that cultured meat will not taste as good as conventional meat

The benefits of new food technologies are often grossly overstated

I am concerned that cultured meat will not have the same texture as conventional meat

Society should not depend heavily on new food technologies to solve its food problem

I am concerned that cultured meat will not be as juicy as conventional meat

New food technologies may have long-term negative effects on the environment

I am concerned about the storage requirements for cultured meat

Health and safety concerns

Communitarianism (Altruism vs egoism)

I am not confident that cultured meat will be antibiotic-free

Efforts to improve environmentally friendly products should be made up by the government and not by consumers

Consuming cultured meat may result in long-term adverse effects on one’s health

I will not change my consumption decisions unless everyone is forced to change their consumption decisions

There could be long-term side effects associated with the consumption of cultured meat

I am sceptical of the health claims made about cultured meat

I worry about the government's ability to protect consumers' rights when cultured meat is available on the market

Ethical concerns

Tolerance (liberalism vs. illiberalism)

Switching to eating cultured meat will not contribute much to the fate of the environment

I know many people who have embraced a vegetarian/vegan lifestyle

Social and cultural concerns

I do not mind eating food that my peers deem socially unacceptable

I am worried that my family will not accept cultured meat

My friends will judge me for eating cultured meat

My culture encourages me to eat conventional meat

I will probably be the only one among my colleagues that eats cultured meat

I feel that I identify more with conventional meat than cultured meat

My religion discourages me from eating cultured meat

Economic concerns

The introduction of cultured meat will not help avoid food shortage problems

A switch to eating cultured meat will cause increased unemployment

The introduction of cultured meat will have a negative impact on conventional meat producers

The introduction of cultured meat will cause unforeseen negative effects on the economy