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Table 4 Definitions of variables of model

From: Risks and opportunities from key importers pushing for sustainability: the case of Indonesian palm oil

Endogenous variables

\( {D}_y^M \)

Market demand for final output (y = CPO)

\( {D}_y^{\mathrm{EU}},{D}_y^{\mathrm{ROW}} \)

Demand for y from EU and Rest of the World (ROW), respectively.

\( {D}_y^{\mathrm{Do} m},{S}_y^{\mathrm{Do} m} \)

Domestic demand and domestic supply for y, respectively.

D i , S i

Derived demand for and supply of ith primary input

\( {P}_y^M \)

Market price of y

\( {P}_y^{\mathrm{EU}},{P}_y^{\mathrm{ROW}} \)

Export price of y to EU and rest of the world (ROW)

D frst, D ptls

Demand for forest and peatland conversion, respectively


\( {\varepsilon}_y^{\mathrm{Dom}} \)

Own price elasticity of domestic demand for y.

\( {\varepsilon}_y^{\mathrm{EU}},{\varepsilon}_y^{\mathrm{ROW}}, \)

Export price elasticity of EU and rest of the world (ROW) demand for y.

σ ij

Allen substitution elasticity between input i and j

\( {\alpha}_y^{\mathrm{EU}},\ {\alpha}_y^{\mathrm{ROW}} \)

Share export demands from of EU and ROW for y in total market demand

\( {\alpha}_y^{\mathrm{Dom}} \)

Share of domestic demand for y in total market demand

c i

The cost share of ith primary input with respect to total cost of producing y

v i

supply price elasticity of ith input


Forest and peatland conversion elasticities with respect to total land demand, respectively.

Exogenous variables (policy shocks)

\( {U}_y^{\mathrm{Dom}} \)

Price equivalent shift factor in domestic demand schedules for y

\( {U}_y^{\mathrm{EU}},{U}_y^{\mathrm{ROW}} \)

Price equivalent shift factors in EU and ROW export demand schedules for y